8 Results
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Coastline Chromatics

Coastline Chromatics is our newest East meets West coast DIPA that uses a new thiolized yeast that is continuing to push the flavor limits of beer. Coastline Chromatics starts out...

Stellar Evolution

Stellar Evolution replaces the standard hops in our MC² recipe and utilized a mix of Haas Incognito, T-90 Pellets, and Lupomax Pellets keeping everything else the same.Stellar Evolution has bright...


A Fulcrum is the point on which a lever rests. The fulcrum pivots and adjusts to keep everything in balance and as close to ideal as possible given the situation....

Barn Science

Barn Science, our collab with Tin Barn, has aromas of assorted citrus fruit bomb with flavors of drippy papaya, mandarins in syrup, lemon lime skittles, and a touch of pine...
Equilibrium & Tin Barn Brewing

Element: Hydrogen

Element: Hydrogen starts off with a 2-row base before a 100% Strata hop bill. Tropical fruit meets dank sticky icky with notes of mango, rock melon, blueberry, and mango citrus...

Restorative Balance

Restorative Balance is our new collaboration with Deciduous Brewing that ties in with the ethos of both breweries - Cycles of growth and renewal occur in order to restore balance....
Equilibrium & Deciduous Brewing

Fall From Grace

Imperial Stout|500ml|11%
FKA: GracelandMade with Peanut Butter, Marshmallow, and Banana- Fall From Grace pours jet black with a beautiful mocha foam and a full peanut butter and marshmallow nose. An imperial stout...
Equilibrium & Civil Society


Imperial Stout|500ml|11%
Circinae adds plenty of peanuts, peanut butter-covered pretzels, Papau New Guinea vanilla, cacao nibs, and honey atop the Accipiter stout base.Pitch black with a tan head, Circinae releases aromas of...
Equilibrium & Horus Aged Ales