Ireland’s finest craft beers

We will:

  • Create a wonderful selection of beers fitted for your needs. You tell us what you want, and we will take care of it!
  • Create all the shipping labels (hassle-free order for you!)
  • Ship the boxes to the addresses provided in our usual speedy way!

What do we need from you?

  • Send us an email to with all your requests. We will put our ideas together and organize all necessary work that needs to be done.
  • Provide us with the contact information.
  • That's it! We are taking over from you and you just sit back and wait for the boxes to arrive. (Don't forget to include one for yourself, you deserve it!)
  • Oh yes, and your money. (1 invoice will be processed for the whole order.)

***Please note that the minimum value is €30 per box (excluding shipping) for the group order to be processed this way.***

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