29 Results
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Liquid Cocaine

A mug of this beer contains 10 grams of hops, and the alcohol content of two shots of tequila. This beer doesn’t want to meet your requirements. This beer doesn’t...
Mad Scientist

DDH Madhouse Supreme

DDH NEIPA|440ml|5.5%
A special edition of DDH MADHOUSE with Kveik yeast celebrating the 4th birthday of Madhouse Budapest.
Mad Scientist

Orange O

Sour Braggot|330ml|6.6%
Following the footsteps of APPLE O Green Apple Sour Candy Braggot, CHERRY O Sour Cherry Candy Braggot, COLA O Sour Candy Cola Braggot and so, we're proud to present the...
Mead Scientist

Szilvás Gombóc Double Cinnamon Edt.

Imperial Pastry Sour Ale|330ml|10%
Szilvás Gombóc imperial pastry sour with plum, cinnamon, and bourbon vanilla as a liquid take on one of the most iconic Hungarian plum dumpling desserts has been a bestseller as...
Mad Scientist

Memphis Mafia (2024) Gold Edt.

Imperial Stout|330ml|12.5%
2024 and ultimate final version of 2022's MEMPHIS MAFIA Imperial Risalamande Pastry Stout with Sour Cherry, Almond & Vanilla"Elvis has left the building"
Mad Scientist

Tiny Barrel Project: Memphis Mafia Rye Whiskey

BA Imperial Stout|330ml|12%
Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Imperial Stout With Almond, Cherry & VanillaFollowing 2022's MEMPHIS MAFIA, 2023's MEMPHIS MAFIA 2023 DOUBLE VANILLA EDT and TINY BARREL PROJECT MEMPHIS MAFIA BOURBON and finally...
Mad Scientist

Tiny Barrel Project: Candy Man Scotch

BA Imperial Stout|330ml|11.5%
The TINY BARREL PROJECT version of one of our most famous Specials: CANDY MAN Marshmallows and Tonka Beans Imperial Stout from the January of 2018:Scotch Whiskey Barrel Aged Imperial Stout...
Mad Scientist

Horror Vacui

BA Imperial Stout|500ml|11.3%
MAD SCIENTIST BARREL PROJECTScotch And Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout With Smoked Cocoa, Rosemary And Smoked SaltCELLAR MASTER NOTESWe are simple brewersIf we find emptiness in the sip, we fill...
Mad Scientist


West Coast IPA|330ml|7.2%
Jam72 is a sneaky IPA you keep smelling and sipping until you get drunk.We aimed for spicy/grapefruit tones to be dominant with little maltiness. Its not an ideal choice if...
Mad Scientist


€2.75 €3.50
Mad Scientist


Imperial Sour|440ml|10%
Imperial Long Drink Sour Ale w/ Grapefruit, Juniper Berries, Cardamom & Orange Zest collab with our friends Tuju from Lappeenranta, Finland."By the power of Grayskull!"
Mad Scientist & Tuju

Repo Man

Imperial Stout|330ml |11%
Smoky & Tart Imperial Stout brewed with Plums and Green & Black Cardamom."A Repo Man spends his life getting into tense situations."
Mad Scientist

Indian Tonic

Natural Soft Drink|250ml|0.0%
The classic. We wanted to create a refreshing and characteristic bitter tonic, just the way we like it. No extremes, just a natural, pure and immaculate tonic taste that we...
Mad Scientist

Pink Tonic

Natural Soft Drink|250ml|0.0%
The bohemian. A tart and stimulating tonic with vibrant citruses. This out-bursting soft drink is all about being punchy and crispy thanks to the trio of grapefruit, blood orange and...
Mad Scientist

Mad In Black

Dark Dry Hopped Pilsner|440ml|5%
FEKETE ZAJ × MAD SCIENTIST dry hopped black pils.
Mad Scientist

Redcurrant PBJ Time

BA Mead|375ml|11%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Mead With Redcurrant And Peanuts.
Mead Scientist

House of The Dragon: The Green Council

Green Hazy Pale Ale|330ml|6.3%
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Green & Hazy New England Pale Ale.
Mad Scientist & Warner Bros & HBO

House of The Dragon: The Black Council

HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Cinnamon & Chili Stout.
Mad Scientist & Warner Bros & HBO

Mad Light

Session IPA|440ml|4.4%
Work hard, play hard, die hard - that's our credo. Well, one of our credos. At the end of the day, we all deserve a little treat, so tomorrow we...
Mad Scientist

Tiny Barrel Project: Repo Man Bourbon

BA Smoky Tart Stout|330ml|11%
Smoky & Tart Imperial Stout brewed with Plums and Green & Black Cardamom, aged in a Knob Creek Rye barrel for a year, in collaboration with One Beer Pub Budapest."A...
Mad Scientist

Marilyn Manderson

Barrel Aged Wheatwine And Wee Heavy Blend With Black Tea & Bergamot brewed with our friends Anderson's Brewery from Estonia.
Mad Scientist & Anderson's

Lemonade Tokyo

Belgian Witbier|440ml|4.2%
Easy to drink, hard to resist, but let the name be your guide. We wanted to highlight the inimitable character of Yuzu as much as possible in beer. The basic...
€3.75 €4.65
Mad Scientist

New York Moccacino

Milk Stout|440ml|6.6%
The goal was to create a milk stout that has the taste and complexity similar to an Imperial stout, while being smooth and easy to drink. New York Moccacino is...
Mad Scientist

Mango Bay

Milkshake Pale|440ml|5.2%
Our signature milkshake pale ale. In and outside of Hungary, if you say Mad Scientist, this is the first beer that comes to people's mind since 2016. Beyond the sweetness,...
Mad Scientist

Jaguara - Brazília (Roasters Paradise)

Imperial Stout|330ml|13%
Mad Scientist

Kianderi - Kenya (Roasters Paradise)

Imperial Stout|330ml|13%
Collab with CASINO MOCCA.
Mad Scientist

Old King Clancy (2022)

Maple Syrup Barleywine|330ml|10.5%
Maple Syrup Barleywine.
Mad Scientist

Phat Boi

Imperial Stout|330ml|11.5%
4 bean imperial stout with Tonka Beans, Cocoa, Coffee and Vanilla.
Mad Scientist

Gods Of Joy

BA Belgian Quadruple|500ml |11.5%
MAD SCIENTIST BARREL PROJECTDouble BA Quadruple Aged In Bourbon And Tokaji Aszú Sweet Wine BarrelsCELLAR MASTER NOTESQueen of beers, king of wines, divine vibesThe clash of two very different barrels...
Mad Scientist