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Baby Ghost
- Size 473ml
- ABV 5.5%
- Style Hazy IPA
- Country of Origins USA
- Canning Date Canned: 03/07/2024
- Deposit Fee YES || €0.15
Time and again, we’ve pushed the boundaries of our beloved Ghost in the Machine—DDH’d it, quantum-infinitized it, Holy Ghost’d it, Primed it, you name it. Enter BABY GHOST, a bold venture in the opposite direction. More than just a microIPA, this 5.5% ABV beer delivers the big hop profile of Ghost, but in a compact format, with double dry-hopped quantities of Citra hops without the heavy impact of a high ABV. While Ghost in the Machine celebrates the grandeur of the universe, Baby Ghost pays homage to the fundamental essence of atoms. This crushable creation reminds us that infinity is a spectrum that spans in both directions.