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DDH Pale Ale|440ml|5.7%
The third cooperation with the renowned British brewery Verdant resulted in the creation of a double-hopped Pale Ale, and thanks to James's (VERDANT) innovative approach, we carried out two-stage hopping,...
Browar Stu Mostów & Verdant

Lucky Lumberjack

Spruce IPA|440ml|6.3%
Last year's variation of Forest IPA – this time with the addition of spruce shoots, which were added in a modified way. You can expect an even greater forest punch...
Browar Stu Mostów


Sour IPA|440ml|5.6%
Sour IPA hopped with Strata, complemented with blood orange and pink guava juice. Brewed by Browar Stu Mostów, in cooperation with the British Floc. as part of the Beer Geek...
Browar Stu Mostów

Squeeze The Moment

ORANGE ESPRESSO SOUR - a combination of the highest quality orange juice and Brazilian specialty coffee Arara (distinctive notes of red fruits, maple syrup, and milk chocolate) which wonderfully harmonize...
Browar Stu Mostów

Strawberry Delivery

Pastry Sour|440ml|4.5%
Philly Pastry Sour - a beer brimming with the finest Polish strawberries, complemented by sweet marshmallows, and balanced by the sourness from Philly Sour yeast. The perfect combination for sunny...
Browar Stu Mostów