Ireland’s finest craft beers

How It Started

Idea for this beer was mainly inspired by most famous novel from Oscar Wilde – The Picture Of Dorian Grey. We wanted to attach this story to the novel, and creating a sour beer seemed like the perfect match. First of all, Wilde’s name literally screams – IT HAS TO BE A SOUR BEER. And another thing is that we know how supportive Hopfully are with local artists.

Pursuing The Perfection

For many many weeks we’ve been working together with guys from Hopfully on every single detail on this project: from the recipe, through picking the artist and exact artwork and name for the beer, to schedule and come up with it at the right time. We wanted everything to be perfect! And we really do hope that perfection and beauty of this beer won’t fade anytime soon. No better time for release than now - the novel will celebrate its 131st anniversary since its release and this is our little tribute.
The Picture of Dorian Grey is about pursuing the beautiness, we wanted to pursue the perfect combinations of flavours and fruits. And we found it with a heap of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries!
We’ve had a few ideas about the name for the beer, but the process of picking just one was pretty basic. 'Idea number 1? Hmmm.. nah too long. Idea number 2? Hmmm.. not punchy enough.' And then – 'Portrait of Perfection?' – All of us just looked at each other, because this name hit the right string. 'PERFECT!'
Since Portrait of Perfection is a very general name for the beer, we’ve been scratching our heads for a while about what should we put on the label. Thankfully a very talented Brian Giles (Instagram: @sonofafoxx) solved it with this really eye-catching and a spot-on artwork that sums up the whole concept and idea of the beer, and in this way we’d like to thank him for that.
By Craft Central


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